DIY 100AH LiFePO4 Battery Box:
This battery uses 100ah modules from BatteryHookup.com. The cost/watt-hour ratio is very good on this battery! It’s SUPER easy to put together and provides lots of flexibility. If you like to work and tinker on projects, this one is for you!
DIY 100ah LiFePo4 Battery Parts List
This is the parts list for building this battery box. The parts may be in and out of stock but you should be able to find something similar for sale. The total cost of this battery will vary depending on the choice of BMS you decide to go with.

LiFePO4 Modules: |
Cost: | 5% Discount Code: | Purchase Link: |
OPTION 1) BatteryHookup 100AH modules (NO BMS) |
$220.00 | JASONOID | https://batteryhookup.com/products/new-battery-hookup-lifep04-32650-3-2v-5000mah-cells-1 |
OPTION 2) BatteryHookup 100AH modules (100amp BMS, with low temp cutoff) |
$260.00 | JASONOID | https://batteryhookup.com/products/new-12v-100ah-lifepo4-kit-w-bms-low-temp |
Note: Ring terminals have 5/16th holes for easy mounting/connecting |
BMS Options: | |||
Battery Hookup) LiFePO4 100amp BMS with Bluetooth capability | $74.99 | JASONOID | https://batteryhookup.com/collections/accessories/products/12v-lifepo4-smart-bms-w-low-temp-cutoff?variant=36287974604962 |
Bluetooth Module for BMS above | $7.99 | JASONOID | https://batteryhookup.com/collections/accessories/products/bluetooth-module-for-battery-hookup-bms?variant=36330039705762 |
Secondary USA Supplier) 120amp Overkill Solar BMS with Bluetooth |
$142.00 | https://overkillsolar.com/product/bms-120a-4s-lifepo4/ | |
Chinese Aliexpress Supplier) 120amp 4S LiFePO4 |
$59.62 | https://www.aliexpress.com/item/4000546700379.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.2c284c4d5xcoKn | |
Select Bluetooth Module | $7.38 | https://www.aliexpress.com/item/4000546700379.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.2c284c4d5xcoKn | |
All Other Components: | |||
MTM Ammo Case (Green) | $16.99 | https://amzn.to/3D20igQ | |
MTM Ammo Case (Tan) | $24.99 | https://amzn.to/3Bc8OcJ | |
6 Circuit Fuse Block W/Negative Bus | $12.99 | https://amzn.to/3kVw5K4 | |
12v Socket, USB ports, Voltmeter Plate | $15.99 | https://amzn.to/3F8nH20 | |
12 Gauge Silicone Wire Red and Black 25 feet |
$28.98 | https://amzn.to/3CYRPef | |
APIELE 10 Amp 22mm Latching Push Button Switch |
$15.59 | https://amzn.to/3zZxbc1 | |
Glarks 360pcs Ring Terminal Kit | $15.80 | https://amzn.to/3uu51od | |
Glarks 65Pcs Assorted Heavy Duty Wire Lugs |
$13.82 | https://amzn.to/3im1J1y | |
Anderson PowerPole Mount Dual Panel | $14.00 | https://www.ebay.com/itm/255130856567?hash=item3b66fbec77:g:0KMAAOSw5vlhPEt~ |
Wiring Diagram
Wiring diagram for the LED Power Switch

Wiring diagram for the BMS and Series Connections